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Momofuku Noodle Bar | New York City, USA

Having already dinned at momofuku ssäm barand spent almost every other day in New York salivating at the memory the other travel bunnie and I got the tummy grumbles but found ourselves cold and nowhere near any of our pre-determined “to eat” places.  Given that it was getting late the only logical thing to do was jump on the L train and across town to East Villageand see if we could get some more of that David Chang Magic!  

Momofuku Noodle Bar was pumping at 8pm but from the second you step inside of this funky little eatery you are over whelmed by the atmosphere created by a room full of content casual diners.  We were quickly seated at the bar and knew what we wanted to eat (which was pretty much everything we saw everybody else eating) in seconds.  I ordered the momofuku ramen with pork belly, pork shoulder and poached egg ($16USD) and the other bunnie decided on the chilled spicy noodles, sichuan sausage, spinach and cashews ($14USD).  Can I say that the food, although simple in its description was impeccable and was easily some of the best I experienced anywhere in NYC.  

As we got up to leave and up to the Rockefeller Center for a little ice-skating, I saw the even more people were queuing to take our seats and realized that the quality of the flavours and the vibe produced by all of the patrons meant that this may actually be one of Chang’s best endeavours and simplicity really is FINE dining!

Total Bunnie Dollars Spent $37USD (including tips)

Momofuku Noodle Bar on Urbanspoon

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